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News Flash!!!!.....     5C Youth HouseParty coming soon, look out for fundraising events.



Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive  like a green leaf.
Proverbs 11:28

One Weekend In October.  It's coming up sooner than you know it.  5C's Youth HouseParty is set for October long weekend, so start thinking about who you're going to invite...... 
In this world of constant change Christians now more than ever need to speak to God from the quietness of our hearts....... [more]
I don't like it when it rains.... wish I didn't have straight hair.... I hate my job.... I wish I had never gone to that party.... I want a better, faster, more expensive car.... why isn't God listening to me???.... here's 10 things to be thankful for TODAY!...... [more]







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Copyright Chung Chen Chinese Christian Church 2003