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  This page lists various prayer points, concerning the needs, joys and praise points from 5C.  



Prayer Points

Pray for John, Denise and James Dickson in Thailand as they learn the language and talk to the locals about Jesus.
Pray for our attitude to wealth and security, and that we would be rich towards God.
Pray for the upcoming Evangelistic services for the Enlgish Service.  That everyone would be bold in asking their friends, and that the Gospel will be explained.
Pray for the YABS, that they would make the effort to meet together to study the Bible and pray.
Pray for wisdom as we plan next year ie the service, TABS, and YABS. Pray for the diaconate for wisdom in setting the vision and the direction of the 11 am English service.
Pray for the team, that God would sustain each of us during the tough times. Pray that the team will continue to grow in their own relationship with God as they help the others do the same.
Thank God for the opportunity to go into Bossley Park and Prairiewood High School to teach about Jesus. Pray that more kids would be thirsting to find out more.
Thank God for the bearing of good fruit in the lives of many of the TABS and YABS.
Pray for God to raise up a pastor and leaders for the English congregation. Thank God for the faithful service of Rev. Tjoe over the many years. Pray for his health, and that he would continue to serve the Lord and the people at 5C faithfully.
Pray for 5C that we would be a church that would be taking the opportunities to reach out to our non Christian friends and family with the gospel. That they would proclaim Christ clearly and boldly.

Unsure how to pray?  Here's the template Jesus gave us.

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Copyright Chung Chen Chinese Christian Church 2003