Becoming a Christian, exploring
Christianity or just attending a Church service is a rich, rewarding and
life changing decision. It can be made even more daunting if it is
your very first step.
So what's so different about Christians and Christianity?
Could you, for instance, pick a Christian in a police line up?
Here's a tip before you answer that question, not all Christians wear pink
cardigans or green sweaters. For that matter not all can quote
Pslams 150 either!
So if you can't spot them physically, can you make an educated guess by
the way they behave and act?
Well Christianity is not just about being and goodie-two-shoes, or
being a slave to a demanding god, or about God spoiling all your fun and
the Bible is not a big text book of "Do's and
Don'ts". Christianity is about being saved by God's
grace. When was the last time or for that matter the first time some
you never knew called you by name and gave you something unique and
priceless, something no money on earth could ever buy, something you would
never sell, and you knew that "something" was given to you even
though you did not deserve it.
That's what God did for you. Christians are just people, who have
chosen to acknowledge this great gift from God and they want to thank God
by living and behaving the way that is in harmony with God.
We at 5C would like to invite you to explore more about becoming a
Christian. Read the testimonies about how God has changed the lives
of people today, if have some nagging questions check out "The Kevin
Box" and feel free to submit your own questions for us to
answer. For more in depth reading and resources have a look at our
book reviews.
Most importantly we encourage you to contact Chung Chen Chinese
Christian Church, drop in to visit us on any Sunday for service and
a great lunch or visit your local Church.