Is this the only reason why we should be rejoicing?
No, Philippians 4:4 says to rejoice in the Lord always, but it doesn't say we should ONLY rejoice in the Lord. We have many other things in our lives that we can rejoice in - if things are going well at work or school, our family, our health, etc.
However, these things are passing, and will not always go well for us - we may lose our job, fail exams, lose family members, we may get sick, etc. Therefore these are not things that we will always be able to take joy in.
As I explained in the sermon, we WILL always be able to take joy in what God is doing in this world (the spread of the good news of Jesus, and the message transforming people's lives) even when the other causes of joy are not there. This is because the message of the Gospel is so significant, that our troubles here and now do not compare.
How can we tell a non-Christian to rejoice when things in their lives are going really bad?
This is a really good question, because everything that we looked at this morning only makes sense if you understand and believe the Gospel. For those that don't know the forgiveness that comes through Christ, there is nothing to rejoice in when the things in life are not going well.
In this case, if we tell people to rejoice despite the problems in their life, then it's won't make sense to them. It will seem that we are telling them to "Just look at the bright side of life", when there isn't anything bright to look at!
Each case is different, and I'm not going to try and tell you what you should say to someone who is going through hard times. If I tried to give you a "standard" thing to say, I would be extrememly foolish. In general, however, the comfort (and joy) for Christians comes AFTER we understand the Gospel. With our non-Christian friends, then, we need to explain the Gospel to them before we can comfort and encourage them from the Bible.
If you're in this situation (of wanting to encourage or comfort a non-christian friend), and you're not sure what to do next, give me a call and we can think and pray through the issue together.
Do aliens exists? i.e. are there other intelligent life, similar to ours on another planets? If there is, are they able to recieve salvation in Jesus or is salvation soley reserved for people who live on Earth?
The Bible doesn't say anything about aliens from outer space. Therefore we can only spectulate on whether there are particular beings apart from living on Earth. The Bible explains that Jesus has come to save mankind, and at the moment we only know that there is any life form on the planet Earth.
You know how the Bible says that Jesus sits at God’s right hand in heaven. Does that make all humans right handed? and some left
No, the term right hand of God in heaven is saying that the one who sits at the right hand of God has all authority and power., ie Jesus has all authority and power.
How do we know God lives?
We know that God lives or exists because of the person of Jesus. Jesus claimed that he was God (in the Bible), and if you have seen him you have seen the Father. Though we haven’t seen Jesus face to face, we could have if we were there 2000 years ago, but we weren’t. In the Bible is says that we are blessed if we have believed the good news of Jesus but not have seen him face to face! In his resurrection from the dead he proved that he is the ruler and king of the entire universe.
God male or female?
God is male. Though this is the case, Christians do not lower or degrade woman. Everyone is equal in God’s sight, however male and females different in their particular roles.
When babies die, they haven’t had the chance to know God, what happens to
In short we don’t know, but God is a just God, and he judge everyone fairly. He will judge everyone according to the measure of light that a person has received. However in a sense God will have compassion on whom he has compassion on, and mercy on whom he wished have mercy on. A similar question is: "What happens to people who have never heard about Jesus? "The best way to deal with this question is to state certain truths that Scripture makes very plain. The Bible is clear that no-one can come to God except through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Many people think this implies that those who have never heard about Jesus will be automatically damned. However, we do not know this is the case. The Bible reveals that no one has any excuse (Romans 1:19-20). Mankind can tell that a creator does exist, because His creation testifies to it. This testimony is universal. Although the people have enough information that God does exist, they become wilfully ignorant of the things of God because their hearts are evil. We also know we can trust that God will be just. He will judge people according to their response to what they know. No one can claim that they will receive an unfair hearing.
On saying all this however, it is God's desire that none should perish but have eternal life (2 Peter 3:9). He cares and would love this world to turn back to him. In a sense, anyone who asks this question has already heard about Jesus...how are you going to respond therefore????
Does Christianity include Catholics?
Although many Catholics are saved Christians, could it be that many are not? What are the differences between the official teachings of the Roman Catholic church and what the Bible teaches.
Brief Difference between the Catholic & Protestant Churches
Catholics |
Protestants |
Bible |
· Addition of OT & NT
· Interpreting of the
Scriptures is subject to final judgement from the church
· Scriptures are God breathed
(2 Tim 3:16)
· Christians free to read
& interpret the Bible – with guidance from the Holy
Head of the Church |
· The Pope is the head of the
Church and speaks on all matters of faith & every day
· Claimed to be infallible
· Christ is the head of our
· No Human being is
Salvation |
· Faith + Good Works (Seven
Sacraments) leads to salvation |
· Faith in what Jesus has
done for us saves us |
Grace |
· Sanctifying grace only
through baptism.
· Must follow a program of
Good works or lose this grace
· By God’s grace we have
been saved
· Grace given through Jesus’
death on the Cross
Sin |
· Two different types of sins
– mortal or venial.
· However has same beliefs
with Protestants to the origins of sin.
· Same beliefs with Catholics
to the origins of sin |
Seven Sacraments Catholics are to follow
1) Baptism: Extremely important to Catholics.
2) Confirmation: When a child reaches 12 Years old, they are confirmed Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit come will more completely when this is done.
3) Holy Eucharist: The taking of holy communion.
4) Reconciliation: This is a sacrament by which sins committed after baptism are forgiven by Jesus through the ministry of a priest (confession of sins).
5) Anointing of the Sick: Anointing the sick & the dying with all to take away their mortal & vernal sins.
6) Holy Orders: A spiritual mark on the soul of a person who receives it. This allows people like priest to perform sacred duties.
7) Matrimony: Catholics believe marriage. The oppose divorces because they believe the marriage contract is binding "till death do us part".
Catholics believe that these sacraments help them attain salvation. Protestants believe that these "good works" are not necessary for salvation. (See Ephesians 2:8-9).
Did Adam have a belly-button?
Belly-buttons (navels) are scars left where the umbilical cord once attached you to your mother. I believe we can say, "No - Adam didn't. Neither did Eve." Why? Because your belly-button (navel), or tummy-button as it's sometimes called, is a sign that you were once attached to your mother. You depended on that life-line - the umbilical cord - for your nourishment from her body as you developed inside her.
But our first parents, Adam and Eve, didn't develop that way. I believe that God would not have planted on them a false indication that they had developed in a mother's womb.
When God created Adam and Eve in mature form, the day they were created they might have appeared to be, say, 30 years old. But God wouldn't want or need to create the appearance of a false history, any more than the mature trees created by God would have had growth rings initially. Those are things which would develop in their offspring as a result of processes later on.
If Adam and Eve had 2 sons, how did they reproduce?
Cain was the first child of Adam and Eve recorded in Scripture (Genesis 4:11). His brothers, Abel and Seth were part of the first generation of children ever born on this earth. Even though only these three males are mentioned by name, Adam and Eve had other children. In Genesis 5:4 a statement sums up the life of Adam and Eve -- "And the days of Adam after he had fathered Seth were eight hundred years. And he fathered sons and daughters." This does not say when they were born. Many could have been born in the 130 years (Genesis 5:3) before Seth was born. During their lives, Adam and Eve had a number of male and female children. The Jewish historian Josephus wrote that, "The number of Adam's children, as says the old tradition, was thirty-three sons and twenty-three daughters." The Bible does not tell us how many children were born to Adam and Eve. However, considering their long life spans (Adam lived for 930 years -- Genesis 5:5), it would seem reasonable to suggest there were many! Remember, They were commanded to "Be fruitful, and multiply" (Genesis 1:28). If we now work totally from Scripture, without any personal prejudices or other extra-biblical ideas, then back at the beginning, when there was only the first generation, brothers would have had to have married sisters or there would be no more generations! We are not told when Cain married or any of the details of other marriages and children, but we can say for certain that some brothers had to marry their sisters at the beginning of human history.
Many people immediately reject the conclusion that Adam and Eve's sons and daughters married each other by appealing to the law against brother-sister intermarriage. Some say that you cannot marry your relation. Actually, if you don't marry your relation, you don't marry a human! A wife is related to her husband even before they marry because all people are descendants of Adam and Eve -- all are of "one blood." The law forbidding marriage between close relatives was not given until the time of Moses (Lev 18-20).
Was God always there, and where is he?
God has always been there, and God is everywhere. The best place to know who God is and what He is like, is to find out about the person of Jesus, who is God.

God knows everything, so why did he create Satan when he knew we would turn on him? How was the devil created?
God created everything. Satan or the devil was a fallen angel. The devil is known a the Father of lies, the Prince of this world, he is the deceiver. Though the devil may seem powerful, Jesus has robbed his power when Jesus died and rose again from the dead, and will be finally destroyed when Jesus returns.
Though God knows everything, God gave us a choose to either obey and live God’s way or to live our way and follow our own desires. He gave us the freedom to choose. However God wants us to come back and turn to him again by trusting in Jesus.

The world's population began with Adam and Eve, how come we all have different races that look certain ways ie. European, Asian etc?
According to the Bible, all humans on earth today are descended from Noah and his wife, his three sons and their wives, and a few generations before that, from Adam and Eve (Genesis 1-11). But today we have many different groups, often called "races," with what seem to be greatly differing features. The most obvious of these is skin colour. Many see this as a reason to doubt the Bible's record of history. They believe that the various groups could have arisen only by evolving separately over thousands of years. However, as we shall see, this does not follow from the biological evidence.
The Bible tells us how the population that descended from Noah's family had one language and by living in one place were disobeying God's command to "fill the earth" (Genesis 9:1, 11:4). God confused their language, causing a break-up of the population into smaller groups which scattered over the earth (Genesis 11:8-9). Modern genetics show how, following such a break-up of a population, variations in skin colour, for example, can develop in only a few generations. There is good evidence that the various people groups we have today have not been separated for huge periods of time.
There is really only one race -- the human race. The Bible teaches us that God has "made of one blood all nations of men" (Acts 17:26). Scripture distinguishes people by tribal or national groupings, not by skin colour or physical appearance. Clearly, though, there are groups of people who have certain features (e.g., skin colour) in common, which distinguish them from other groups. Some prefer to call these "people groups" rather than "races," to avoid the evolutionary connotations associated with the word "race." 
What's wrong with going to XXX night clubs and pornography?
The thing we need to realise is that Christianity is NOT a set of rules to follow, i.e. do not do this or that. Being a Christian is about being in a personal relationship with God through Jesus, and the life that we live should reflect being in a relationship with Him.
Therefore since we have put our trust in Jesus, we have died to our own self, and we are to live for Jesus. Therefore we are to put to death whatever belongs to our earthly nature (Colossians 3:5) and as God's special people, to clothe ourselves in the characteristics of Jesus (read Colossians chapter 3). God says we are to be holy as he is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16), in other words to be different from the people of this world.
We live in a sex crazed society. Everywhere we are bombarded: the tele, the magazines, newspapers, advertising and so on. As followers of Jesus we need to be different from this world, and not be seduced by the temptations that this world gives us.
Going to places that promote pornography and even viewing it, can cause you to fall into temptation and sin. Jesus tells us that sin is not just what we do with our bodies but what we do with our hearts and minds. We don't have to sleep with somebody's husband or wife to commit adultery, we have already sinned if we look at someone with lust in our hearts.
Furthermore the 'sex' industry promotes sex outside of what God intended for this world. Sex is a good thing in the context of marriage. So summing up, as Christians we are to be different from what the world thinks, and not to be seduced and tempted by these things. Instead we are encouraged to exercise our freedom to enjoy and use God's creation the way the Creator intended. 
What happens to people who have never heard about Jesus?
The best way to deal with this question is to state certain truths that Scripture makes very plain.
The Bible is clear that no-one can come to God except through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Many people think this implies that those who have never heard about Jesus will be automatically damned. However, we do not know this is the case.
The Bible reveals that no one has any excuse (Romans 1:19-20). Mankind can tell that a creator does exist, because His creation testifies to it. This testimony is universal. Although the people have enough information that God does exist, they become wilfully ignorant of the things of God because their hearts are evil.
We also know we can trust that God will be just. He will judge people according to their response to what they know. No one can claim that they will receive an unfair hearing.
On saying all this however, it is God's desire that none should perish but have eternal life (2 Peter 3:9). He cares and would love this world to turn back to him.
In a sense, anyone who asks this question has already heard about Jesus...how are you going to respond therefore????
Further reading: How to Give Your Faith Away, Paul E. Little 
Did Jesus think about sex, i.e. was he tempted about such things?
Jesus was tempted three times by Satan in Matthew 4, however Jesus resisted. As Jesus was fully man (and fully God), he faced the same temptations as we will ever go through (Hebrews 4:15-16), but he never sinned (2 Corinthians 5:20). This is assuring since he can sympathise in our weaknesses.
As Jesus prays in what is commonly known as the Lord's prayer... do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one, we need to pray that God would not lead us into temptation, but be delivered. 
If God has been here for the whole time, why has there only been 2000 years?
Well the date 2000 that we use today, actually stands for 2000 A.D.
A.D stands for anno domini which means in the year of the Lord.
So the year 2000 refers to 2000 years since Jesus Christ has come.
God has always been there (even before the creation of day one). The dates before Jesus came are written B.C (or before Christ). 
What is wrong with blasphemy?
In general the word means to slander or insult, and includes any action or word that devalues another person, in this instance ... God. In the Old Testament, blasphemy is a direct or indirect insult taking away from the glory and honour of God. It is therefore the opposite of praising or blessing God.
In the New Testament, the most common form of blasphemy was of God. But it is with respect to Jesus that the word is mainly used. When Jesus forgave sins (Mark 2:7) he was accused of blasphemy on the grounds that he being a man, was saying he was God. While blasphemy can be forgiven it is serious because it is about rejecting God. 
How does the age of dinosaurs fit into the creation of the world? ie. did they exist before Adam and Eve?
Dinosaurs aren't explicitly mentioned in the Bible, however in Genesis, it does mention that God created all things and he created the animals.
The animals that are mentioned in the Bible are of significance to human history eg. cattle, goats, sheep; and many animals, for example, rhinoceroses, dugongs (and dinosaurs), are not specifically mentioned.
Although Job 40:15-24 does mention a "behemoth" (large land-living beast) which could easily describe a brontosaurus (apatosaur)? And 41:1-34 describes a "leviathan" (large marine beast).
Dinosaurs did exist before Adam and Eve (Gen 1:24-25 and Gen 1:27). 
What happens to our physical bodies when Jesus comes again?
We don't know when Jesus will return, but he has promised that he will (Revelation 22:20), and that he will come like a thief in the night (1 Thessalonians 5:2). Jesus could return in ten minutes, next week, next year or thirty years time. We don't know. God's timing is different to our timing (2 Peter 3:8).
When Jesus does return, if we are Christians (whether a teenager, adult or old and frail), Jesus will transform/change our lowly bodies and give us all new bodies: which will be like His glorious body (Philippians 3:21). Jesus proved that He is able to give us eternal life by rising from death Himself and conquering death. 
How do I ensure that I myself will be part of God's kingdom?
Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you be certain about your relationship to God, i.e. be part of God's kingdom.
1) Have I believed in Jesus Christ as the substitute for my sins and received him as my personal Saviour?
The Bible says that this is the only requirement for salvation.
"Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." (John 1:12).
2) Are you trusting feelings, rather than God's Word, for assurance of salvation?
The Bible says:
"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him." (John 3:36).
"I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned, he has crossed over from death to life." (John 5:24).
3) Are you basing your salvation on what you do for God, instead of what God has done for you?
The Bible says that we can do nothing to earn our salvation. God, because of His grace, did all that needs to be done.
"He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy." (Titus 3:5a).
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9).
The Bible says that we can know for certain that we have eternal life if we have believed in Jesus as our Saviour!
"And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life." (1 John 5:11-13).
Evidences of the Christian Life
Belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who died as the substitute for our sins is the only requirement for salvation. The following are not tests of our faith, because we cannot be good enough to merit God's salvation. But these are signs which might encourage us that we do have eternal life because God says so, because changes have taken place in our lives, because we want to share Christ with others, and because we desire to live lives that would be pleasing to God.
1) We know that we have eternal life because God says we do.
God's Word tells us that we have eternal life if we have received Christ as our Saviour.
"I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life." (1 John 5:13).
2) We know that we have eternal life because changes have taken place in our lives since we became a Christian.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17).
These may be small changes. At first, they may not even be noticeable to others. But this verse tells us that in God's eyes we become a new person when we accept Christ and changes in our life are inevitable.
3) We know that we have eternal life because we want to share Christ with others.
"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile." (Romans 1:16).
4) We know that we have eternal life because we want to live godly lives.
"For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in the present age..." (Titus 2:11-12).
I am baptised, I attend church every Sunday, and I believe in Jesus. Is that enough to be part of God's kingdom?
See also answer for "How do I ensure myself to be part of God's kingdom?"
To enter God's kingdom or to be a perfect relationship with Him, we do so by confessing that Jesus is Lord (or boss of your life), and believe in your heart that Jesus died for us and rose from the dead; i.e. confess Jesus is your own personal Lord and Saviour.
Going to church or getting baptised doesn't guarantee your salvation.
We go to church for many reasons such as to encourage other Christians, to learn from God's Word, and to sing praises to God. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian or save you, you go to church because of what Jesus has already done in your life.
Being baptised is a symbol that you are already a Christian, i.e. you died to your old self and have risen to to new life in Jesus. Baptism is a public declaration to others that you want to commit your life fully to following Jesus. So being baptised doesn't save you.
So the question you need to ask yourself is, are you trusting in Jesus fully to get to heaven, or are you trusting in your works, like attending church, reading the bible and praying, and being baptised, to get to heaven? In Ephesians 2:8-9, Paul says that it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works so that no one can boast.
The Bible is quite clear that if we believe in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we will be saved. "Believe" is the same word as rely, faith, and trust. Believing in Jesus means putting your life in His hands, relying on Him and not on your own strength, intellect or wisdom.
So how important is it for us to do good works, read the Bible, pray and go to church? It's like you're in an office and the fire alarms go off, and you start to smell smoke. Are you going to stay where you are, or are you going to get out of the building? If you really believe that there was a fire, you would leave the building. In the same way believing in Jesus, is not just head knowledge but faith shown in action. Remember that your good works don't save (or rescue) you, they are the result of already being rescued. Now that we are saved, we are free and able to do things to please God that we were not able to do before. 
What's wrong with marrying a non Christian, since it's hard to find a girl that's suits your happiness?
Well in short, God minds if a Christian marries a non Christian. The bible tells us not to be 'yoked together with unbelievers' (2 Corinthians 6:14). If you continue to read this passage it goes on to explain why "for what do righteousness and wickness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?" It then goes on to say that since we have the great promises of God, "let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."
If we are Christians, then the most important thing for us should be to glorify God in all that we do and to purify ourselves and make sure that we stay pure. How difficult will it be if you are married to an unbeliever who does not share your love for God? Being a Christian should affect all parts of our life including how we spend our time, e.g. spending time at church, bible studies; how we spend our money, e.g. offertory; and our priorities in life - to please God rather than ourselves. These aspects alone show that there will probably already be conflict within the marriage. But not only this, the purpose of marriage is not only to procreate, but also for the husband to love his wife as himself, like Christ loves the church and to present his wife pure and blameless before God. How can this happen if one of the spouses is not a Christian? It's like oil and water - the two just don't mix.
If you are going to share you inner most thoughts with your partner, how hard it must be if you can't share what you have been learning about Jesus????
On this topic of non Christian relationships, no where in the Bible does it state we cannot 'go out steady' with a non Christian. But is this a wise choice? If we intend going out with someone, we should have the view in mind that we will some day marry that person. If the other person we are going with is not a Christian, difficulties and conflict in the marriage that have been outlined above, may occur.
There are instances I know of, where a Christian has gone out with a non Christian, (due to many factors, like the one mentioned in this question, because there are no other guys or girls around). In the majority of these cases, the Christian ends up being the one who ends up forsaking Jesus. It is rare that the non Christian partner has been led to Jesus.
What if you are already going out with a non Christian? This is difficult dilemma since you obviously care and love one another deeply, but at the same time you are trying to come to grips with the issue of whether it is what God wants for me. The question which would be good to ask yourself is 'does going out with a non Christian affect my relationship with God?' If so, we need the wisdom to know which path we should follow. We also need to be witnesses of Jesus to our boy/girl friend, and keep praying for them that they would some day come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. This is a very difficult issue, and it may be helpful to talk to some one who is an older Christian and someone you can trust and confide in, to talk through these issues. 
Is buying a lotto ticket a sin?
Probably the question that is being asked is, whether Christians should be involved in gambling (lotto, TAB etc). The Bible does not specifically forbid gambling, but there are several biblical principles that should make Christians hesitate to participate:
1. God presents work as the normal way to get the money we need. (Ephesians 4:28; 2 Thessalonians 3:12,31). When a person cannot work, the second choice is prayer (Philippians 4:6,19).
2. All my income belongs to God, not me, and I am not free to use it as I wish. Or is that too strong? I am a steward who should use it for God' purposes. Christians are called upon to meet the needs of their family and share with others, particularly Christians who have needs (2 Corinthians: 8-9). Ask: does God want me to use this money to buy a lotto ticket?
3. God uses money to accomplish important purposes in my life:
a. Meet basic needs (Matthew 6:11; 1 Timothy 6:8)
b. Build character (Philippians 4:10-13)
c. Give direction, by providing or withholding resources
d. Helping others through me
e. Show His power by providing miraculously.
Ask: Does gambling accomplish these results? Am I looking to God or to the lottery ticket for my needs?
4. Greed and covetousness are sin. (Exodus 20:18; 1 Timothy 6:9; Hebrews 13:5), and these are motives in most gambling.
5. Proverbs warns of disaster for people who want to get rich quick (Proverbs 28:20,22).
6. Wealth that comes easily goes just as easily (Proverbs 13:11).
7. Wealth gained the wrong way breaks up families (Proverbs 15:27).
8. Gambling can be addictive, and even if you don't fall prey to it as a compulsive habit, your example can cause others to be enslaved by it especially if that someone's really struggling with gambling (1 Corinthians 8:9,13). 
Why did God reduce the period of life?
In the beginning when God made everything, it was all good. Mankind was in a perfect relationship with God. But Adam and Eve decided to ignore and disobey what God wanted, and made themselves 'god' or boss of their own lives (Genesis 3). So sin entered the world, and the punishment for sin is death. So all mankind was cut off from the life source, who is God (Genesis 3:24). This is not too dissimilar to us: we have all ignored and rejected God, and wanted to live our lives the way that we want to.
So life on earth for everyone will end in death (Hebrews 9:27). But if we have put our trust in Jesus (the one who restores our friendship with Him), though we'll die on this earth, we will live forever with God after we die on this earth. 
Why doesn't the bible mention about the creation of angels or does that refer to the creation of the heavens?
Two places in the Bible refer to angels being created by God; one in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament.
Psalm 148:1-6
1 Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD from the heavens, praise him in the heights above.
2 Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his heavenly hosts.
3 Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars.
4 Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies.
5 Let them praise the name of the LORD, for he commanded and they were created.
6 He set them in place for ever and ever; he gave a decree that will never pass away.
Colossians 1:15-16
15 He (Christ) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.16 For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. (NIV)
So the Bible tells us angels were created by God. Their job is to be messengers of God and to carry out God's will, among other things.
There's a lot of talk these days about angels and a lot of interest in them e.g. the TV series "Almost an Angel", movies like "City of Angels". What we can't forget is that we must not be distracted from Jesus' death and resurrection. Why?
In the early days, years after Jesus' death and resurrection and while the Christian church was starting to grow, some people made the mistake of worshipping angels. Which is why Paul wrote in his letter to the church in Coloss "Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you from the prize." (Colossians 2:18)
In other words, don't get distracted from Jesus! He's the King and the only way to God. 