Deanna Jong (YABS)
I grew up in a family where we believed what our ancestors passed down to us that is to follow Buddhism. I used to go to the Buddhist temple with my Grandmother back in East Timor as young as 4-5 years of age. It wasn't until I came to Sydney in 1989 that my Grandmother took me to church at 5C for special occassions such as Christmas celebrations and then more often as I got older. Back in those days we didn't have a church building so there were rosters to meet at peoples places each week, then we starting hiring a community centre.
What made me become a Christian was the gradual increase of visits to 5C. I had this dtrong feeling that I wanted to become a Christian. I have learnt a lot more about Jesus and how much he has done for us even though we don't deserve it.
Over the years by reading the Bible, doing Bible study, and listening to seminars and sermons, the encouragement from our Christian brothers and sisters and praying to God; has helped me grow as a Christian.
When I first arrived in Australia I came with my mum and younger sister. my grandmother, Dad and my younger brother was at Timor. My dad travelled back and forth because my parents still had their business there. My brother came to live in Sydney 1992 where as my Dad and Grandmother were still in East Timor.
My family was split up to two locations, which made it really hard. Ever since I could remember I've been praying to God for my family to be reunited in the one place so we could live together here for good. It's wasn't until 1999 where my Dad and Grandmother came here for good. So God does answer our prayers and if it is what God had planned for you then God will make it happen.

Daniel Sing (TABS)
Jesus means a lot to me, because whatever I do, He helps me in what I do and say, doing what is right, and to be self-controlled. I can count on Him when there is no-one else.
I grew up in a Christian family where my parents taught me from a very young age about God, and how to live as one of God's children. Other things that helped me understand more about Jesus was the Christian studies subject at school, as well as the witness of my grandparents.
The death and resurrection of Jesus is important to me because He has forgiven my sins, and thus I wouldn't be here today. Jesus answers my all my prayers!! He died for me and the cross tells me that He loves me, and that He will be with me and guide me forever!!

Ian Mu (TABS)
Before I became a Christian in April 2002, I thought that a Christian was one that knew everything that there was supposed to know about God, and had no further questions to ask. Though I sometimes went to church when I was young, I didn't get to know much about God, Jesus or about him returning. I also thought that if I didn't go to church I would end up going to hell.
I came to know Jesus by recognising what he had done for me on the cross. When I started coming to Chung Chen Chinese Christian Church in May 2001, I came to understand the gospel more clearly through the sermons and by speaking with the Christians there.
What convinced me to become a Christian, was knowing that Jesus was coming and I didn't know when he would come again. I therefore had to be prepared and ready for Jesus on the Judgement Day. I also realised that Jesus had died and rose again, and that he is a living God that has taken away my sins.
Now that I'm a Christian, I want to pray and read the Bible more, and to remove the copied software from my computer, and to stop swearing. Although I'm a Christian I still have many questions waiting to be answered. I am learning that when you are a Christian you can still ask questions. Jesus means alot to me, letting him be in charge of my life. Now Jesus means more to me than before, when I thought that I could do whatever I like, and only my parents were in charge of me. I still obey my parents, though Jesus means more to me now.

Elaine Jong (TABS)
I started coming along to church when I was very young with my parents. In year 2000, during baptism and classes, I started to realise and understand more about what Jesus did for us and about what being a Christian is. My parents encouraged me in my spiritual growth, by helping me understand the concepts of Christianity better.
Since knowing Jesus, I have been challenged to 1) stop swearing and 2) not to follow what my friends are doing when I think they are doing wrong things. My struggle and what I need to change, as a Christian is when I have fights and arguments with my sisters.
This year since attending a Bible study group at church in the morning, I have learnt in more detail about Jesus dying on the cross for us, and about life after death. Jesus death and resurrection is important to me because he has taken the punishment of death away from me, and has brought forgiveness for my sin.

Kevin Sing: (TABS)
I have been going to church all my life, but I didn't do much really in terms of Bible study. This year (2001) during the Bible studies at the Easter Houseparty and at church, I was greatly challenged by the question that was asked to me, 'What would I say to Jesus if I died tonight?' I was thinking about what could I do, apart from accepting the gift that Jesus has given to me, by dying for me. I became a Christian because I wanted to change my life around, and to become a changed person compared to the one I was. Being a Christian has changed my life in terms of not losing my temper, controlling swearing, and looking forward to meeting Jesus on that last day.

Geoffery Lay (TABS)
For me, Jesus means a lot, because I now know what a loving leader we have through God who gave us his Son on the cross. My behaviour and attitude has changed by being more self-controlled e.g not swearing and I have tried to be less violent to others. I have learnt not to be greedy e.g not going on about getting something back when you give others something. As a Christian, the things I continue to struggle with are getting into trouble with my parents and others. Prior to 2001, I didnt fully understand the gospel until I looked into bible during the bible studies at Sunday school. What Jesus death/resurrection means to me now is very important, because I now know Jesus has died for me on the cross and has:
(1) Rescued and forgiven me of my sins,
(2) Showed his love for all of us,
(3) Given us a living hope with God forever.

Tchui Ling Hie (YABS)
I grew up knowing there was Jesus. From as early as 5 or 6 years of age I attended, with my two brothers and sister, Sunday School at the Chinese Christian Church, Milsons Point. To me, having Jesus in my life means that he is the ruler of my life and ruler of the world and universeI have nothing to fear because I know that Jesus is in control of every little thing and everything else follows from there. If it hadn't been for my mother taking me and my siblings to church every Sunday, Jesus wouldnt be part of my life today.

John Hie (TABS)
Ever since I was young, I knew that there was God. I knew the Christmas story and that Jesus died on the cross and rose again but I never really understood what happened and more importantly, why it happened. The teens houseparty in 2000, and the bible studies with Bryan and David definitely helped me come to a better understanding of what it all meant. Also my parents always encouraged me to go to church and bible studies helped too. Now that I know why Jesus died and what it means for me, my whole life has changed. I now try to put Jesus first in all things I do, not only on Sundays but everyday of my life.