
Important Dates | A day in a life of mission | Sections | Scooping | Grass square | Experiences of mission | Prayer link | Photos | Frequently Asked Questions | Links | Contact Us
Welcome to Canton Scripture Union Family Mission
A day in a life of mission

7.00 wake up/quiet time
7.30 orderlies
7.45 breakfast and bible study/prayer
8.45 wash up
9.00 scooping prep, get ready, musos tuned
9.30 scooping- scooping leader ready to go
10.00 grass square
10.30 section activities-/JT's section time
11.30 children walked home
11.45 section meeting

12.30 lunch orderlies
12.45 lunch and prayer
1.30 wash up
1.45 compulsory siesta
2.30 quiet time, free time
3.30 CTFM, JTs bible study
4.00 section activities- minis, keenites, CTFM, JTs

5.15 dinner orderlies
5.30 dinner and prayer
6.15 wash up and evening activities prep
7.00 the evening activity
8.30 JTs activity and discussion
9.00 team devotions and supper
10.00 lights out in marquee
10.30 no noise, lights