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Welcome to Canton Scripture Union Family Mission
Experiences of mission

*That there is a real need for organisations such as SU to be reaching people. Also, I learnt heaps about how important unity is in a group of Christians and that the power of prayer on mission can do mighty things. (Keenites)

*God can still use "grandmothers"! Maybe He wants me to develop/redirect skills I have learnt in my professional teaching job for Him in outreach work. (Adults)

*That God can work through us in many ways. (Keenites)

*I learnt a lot about working as a team; using your gifts to serve Jesus; accepting people for who they are - teenagers, may seem different but Jesus can and will work in their life. (JTs)

*I learnt more about how God calls us to serve. About how to relate to primary school kids that are wary of you. (Keenites)

*Innumerable things with reference to kids ministry and my own personal life.(Keenites)

*God is all sufficient, I learned to step out and take risks, try things I did not think I could do, and God was with me every step of the way. Mission was a very rewarding and positive experience for me. (Minimites)

*I learnt that when God takes me out of my comfort zone I have the opportubity to experience His work in my life on a deeper and more powerful level. (CTFM)

*I appreciate the opportunities of working alongside a new group of people and getting to know them and love them. (Adults)

*Perseverance and continuing passion to share the gospel. (Keenites)

*Christians can work together if they try to. (Cook and Equipment)

*How to simply and directly explain the gospel to someone. Increased my faith in the power of prayer. More about how to cater for people's different ideas - listen and consider all of them. (CTFM)

*How to work and listen to others better. (Keenites)

*To trust God, on a personal note, and to work as a team. I also learnt about Kid's ministry. (Minimites)

*God is faithful, and the power of prayer through many amazing answers to prayer. Importance of dependence on God at ALL times. (CTFM)

*There are no immediate rewards/results. (Minimites)