What is Scripture Union? Scripture Union (SU) is a world wide inter-denominational organisation dedicated to the spread of the gospel. It emphasises the importance of the Bible in the life of Christians and teaching them to read it regularly, thoughtfully and systematically. Recognising that the life of a person is tightly associated with a strong social unit - the familiy. SU encourages people to become involved in family missions. What is a Family Mission? A Family Misson is a ministry seeking to reach families with the gospel. This occurs through the building up of friendships with campers in the caravan park and sharing the gospel through those friendships. A program is developed by the team to help meet campers and develop friendships, to foster interaction within and between families, and to share the gospel. It includes morning lessions, talks, skits, videos, arvo and evening activities, and puppet plays. The team is made up of sections which cater for each age group: pre-school (minimites), primary (keenites), high school (CTFM, Just Teens), and adults. There are also support roles such as cooking, equipment, first aid, and bookstore. What are the sections? Each sectionis made up of roughly 6 team members with a section leader. The section for each age group is responsible for organising parts of the beach mission program, which relates to its age group. The sections are: minimites (pre-school) keenites (primary school) CTFM (Canton Teens for Morning) JTs (Just Teens) Adults What's involved in Beach Mission? It is a privilege to serve God and others at Beach mIssion which involves time, energy and money. To prepare for beach mission, meetings are held during the year, which usually includes 3 team meetings, and a houseparty weekend. This houseparty is usually on the first weekend of December. The mission runs from Thursday 27th December 2001 to the Sunday 6th January 2002. Team members seek to encourage one another in their relationship with Jesus, to be a witness of their relationship to each other and outside the team. The different backgrounds of people make beach mission an interesting and challenging environment to minister in. It is necessary to be able to work with people who have different ways of thinking and doing God's work. How much does it cost? Last year $260 per adult (families negotiable) was able to cover the cost of the weekend houseparty, 10 days of food, accommodation at mission, and cost of supplies eg. craft materials and equipment purchases. If money is a concern, please feel free to speak to one of the team leaders. But is it worth it? Invariably we all enjoy our time at mission. The common purpose, the camping atmosphere, the learning, the growing, meeting new people, making new friends, stretching of abilities and patience, and increased reliance on the Lord and understanding of what God's purpose for our lives is; all contributes to the unique experience of beach mission, It is well worth your while to serve on a beach mission. Read some past people's experiences of beach mission
How do I get involved? Pray that God will lead you to decide where He wants you to be at the end of the year. Currently, we have vacancies in all sections and also support areas. Think about where you would like to take part. Talk to team members about their experiences . Ask for an application form, and come along to our meetings, and see what we're like!! |